Attention: ALL frustrated Internet Marketers who haven’t made a single dime online…now’s your chance! Please read every word on this page…

"Cracking the Code: How I Achieved +$1,000 Monthly Income with YouTube Shorts"

No special skills or experience required!

Speedy Shorts

"If you never made a dime online, this Ebook will change your life"


Dear Frustrated Internet Marketer, 

If you’re struggling with making money online, then you’re about to be extremely happy.

But first… can you tell me if any of these apply to you?

  • Do you deal with not having the first clue as to how to make money online? 
  • Do you lie in bed at night feeling overwhelmed with the sheer amount of online information about how to make money online and don’t know where to start?
  • Are you just plain sick of chasing your tail and every new shiny object you find online – promising you riches but all you have to show for it is a big fat “0”? 

If so, you’re really going to get a lot out of what I have to share with you. You see… 

This Is Your Chance To Cash-In Online With Youtube Shorts!

Why Youtube shorts?

Why did I choose YouTube Shorts as my platform and not tik tok or Instagram?

For every platform, there are pros and cons, so I’m going to talk to you about the pros and cons of Youtube.


  • You can duplicate videos without youtube penalizing you
  • You can create a lot of videos in a few minutes
  • The video also ranks in Google search
  • Youtube pushes your shorts into people’s feeds


  • You can only put the link of the product you sell in the comments (You can also put
    it in the description, but it is useless, if you open a yt shorts you will immediately
    notice that the description is almost invisible and a user to access it must first press
    the button “OTHER” and then must select “DESCRIPTION” and only then will be
    able to see it)
  • You can reach less people than tik tok

But here’s exactly what I’ve discovered:

  • It is possible to make a living with YoutubeShorts.

  • In less than 30 days, I can use a super simple method that will crack open the IM bank vault with youtube

  • With just a few simple steps – you’ll be create your own short video and become an authority in your niche.

  • How to create the hottest Viral video with the hungriest buyers online.

  • You can easily generate thousands of traffic targeted on affiliate offers to earn money.

  • How to create FREE content to make money with. (It’s legal – I promise!)

You can do ALL this for FREE.

And you don’t need to know any of the following:

  • NO SEO.
  • NO tech knowledge needed.
  • NO website (unless you already know how to create one).
  • NO special skills.
  • NO marketing skills.
  • NO money – it truly can be done ALL for free!

It all sounds wild… but it truly does work. In fact…


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Now that you can see it really does work...


As you know, the way everyone else tells you to make money online simply DOES NOT WORK.
You know that, I know that. We wouldn’t be here if it did.

But there IS an answer… it’s just not what most people think.

 Here’s what I mean:

There are methods you can use to find leads that are already looking for what you offer.
They’re TARGETED prospects who want exactly what YOU have. You don’t have to try and SELL anyone anything.
All you have to do is find the people who’ve already expressed they have a need… and then you FILL it.

And since all your initial contact is online, you can easily outsource EVERYTHING… meaning you only have to deal with people when they’re ready to give you money.
Pretty cool, right?
I know this might sound like a lot to chew. It’s why I decided to put everything together in a program that you can take advantage of. I know you want to start making money online… and so I wanted to do my best to help.

Speedy Shorts

I created SPEEDY SHORTS – How to Make $1,000 With Youtube Shorts!  When I saw how many people were dealing with not knowing where to start making money online. And judging by all the feedback I’ve already gotten, I’m quite confident it can help YOU too.

You’ll discover:

  • The exact methods I used to generate $1,000/month in online sales.
  • I’ll show you my step-by-step methods for finding the hottest selling niches.
  • I’ll show you every single resource I used to create simple products.
  • How simple it really is to become an authority in any niche.
  • Hot simple it is to create your digital product – whether it be an EBook, Video, Software App, Service, etc.
  • Where to go to find FREE resources to create your products.
  • How to market your digital products quickly and easily.
  • How to generate a stampede of traffic to your products.

And although this sounds like your investment is going to be tons of money… it won’t.


For less than the price of a large pizza
pizza box clip art
 you can have something that will reap huge investments for you!
Numismatics and Notaphily icon
I know, you might be wondering, “What’s the catch?”

After all… I’ve invested a lot of my own time into testing these methods as well as my own money. If I charged you by the hour to teach you this stuff – well, my hourly rate is $100/hr – so you can see it would cost you a lot!

But truth be told, it’s important to me to make sure you get a great value. It’s good for my reputation. And it helps me help more people.

I’m not saying I’ll keep it at this price forever though. Most experts charge $197 for something like this and it’s been on the back of my mind. 

But you won’t need to worry about that! Acting fast has its rewards:

ACT NOW! And get Special Time Limited Price Of:

Get Your Copy Of:
SPEEDY SHORTS – How to Make $1,000 With Youtube Shorts!”

Speedy Shorts

Special Bonus! The First 100 Lucky Buyers Will Get: "How to create a Youtube Account from 0" ... Value $399 For Free

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And one more thing you should know:

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I know you work hard for your money. I know you’re buying this solely on the promises I’ve laid out to you.

I’m willing to put my money where my mouth is.

If for any reason How I made $1,000 With Youtube Shorts doesn’t work out for you…

all you have to do is let me know within 30 days of your purchase and I’ll promptly refund all your money.

No questionsno hassles – it’s that simple. I want you to be 100% satisfied!

Sounds pretty fair, right?  


Speedy Shorts
  • My 27-page jam-packed resources eBook walks you step-by-step through the exact methods I used to generate $1K/month from youtube shorts.
  • How to pick the best niche.
  • How to create a simple eBook, Video, Software App, or Service to sell.
  • How to drive traffic to your offers.
  • How to use FREE web content to your advantage.
  • And so much more…!


“Bonus: How to create a Youtube Account from 0 “
Value $399 – For FREE

Here’s What To Do Now:

As you can see, I tried to make this as easy as possible for you.

As soon as you sign up you’ll get instant access to everything I mentioned – my 27-page eBookall my resourceshow to sell your own digital products that you create – everything you need to start making a serious income online.

Once you click on the “Download Now” button and make your payment you’ll be taken to a download page. You’ll get immediate access to download my Ebook.

The process is extremely simple and you can look forward to making crazy cash in just a short amount of time. So go ahead and click on the buy button now and I’ll look forward to seeing you on the “other side”:

Brian Lee


P.S. Time Limited Special Price + HUGE FREE BONUS (only for the first 100 lucky buyers!!!) Grab this while it’s available!
Here:  Click The Button Below And Get Access.


P.P.S. Remember you have absolutely nothing to lose because of my rock solid, 30-day, money back guarantee. Don’t miss out — secure your copy now! Download Here

P.P.S. You’re still here. You’re obviously interested. You clearly don’t want to continue living with not enough money to pay your bills. In just a few minutes, you can have this all cleared up. You owe it to yourself to try — especially considering there’s absolutely nothing to lose. Take advantage while the opportunity is in front of you because if you come back even 5 minutes too late down the line, I’ll have to apologize and turn you away… Download Here